What you seek is seeking you

If I ever confessed any other shoot to be the best of my life, I apologize because I was highly mistaken. This particular shoot made my whole heart and soul drown into my work. Pushkar being the place for the pre-wedding shoot came out to be the MOST stunning of all till now. Camels, Rajasthani Folk Music, Desert, the enchanting sunset and a couple who can make poetic description of the word ‘love’ fall into shame.

What you seek is seeking you is a quote by Rumi which constantly occupied my mind during this shoot. The sunset and the music filled my heart, photography lifted my energy and the traveling filled my soul. This has undoubtedly been the best shoot ever. A shoot I connected with. A shoot that made me really glad with myself, my life and my work. I am extremely pleased with the Outcome of this shoot.

I would like to take a moment and urge you all to follow your heart, to set your journey in the direction of your Calling. Your calling is truly your purpose.

And as Rumi said There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don't you? I believe everybody owes it to themselves, to their soul, to live a fulfilled life because you got to Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”

My heartfelt wishes to the lovely couple! May their flame keep burning with love and passion! Stay tuned for the next blog to hear their story. Peace and Love. :)